Saturday, 5 September 2009

Not Back To School Sports Day - Archive 2009

Yesterday we managed to make it along to our first big Home Education meet. It was a sports day in Glasgow green, followed by a play in the park afterwards.

I must say the kids were all wonderful, the parents were all friendly and made an effort to speak to the 'newbie'

E was on top form, chatting to Mums and Dads and mostly staring at the older kids... we did join in with the egg and spoon race, but most of the time she just ran around aimlessly :D

The play park we were at later is for older kids and E couldn't manage onto the slides and the climbing frames but she had a great time building sandcastles with the older kids (even though they were boisterous at times)

So... it is E's 3rd birthday next week :mrgreen: and... before you ask... she will not be going to Nursery school (kids here start on their 3rd birthday) , nor do I plan in enrolling her in school any time soon.

I have particular views on the school system, I don't wish my comments mis-construed or offend anyone so I shall keep them to myself .

Thanks for reading ;o)

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