Work in the house is slow and demanding, we haven't got any real problems sorted since the builder was fired. The main reason for this is not knowing where we stand legally. Time and lack of trust for any other tradesmen is clearly also an issue. Every day we notice something else that has been badly done, or not done at all. I am in the process of setting up another blog dedicated to our current living conditions.... leaving this blog free for me to discuss nicer things like...
Strawberry Jam
I made my first ever batch of Strawberry Jam last weekend and, though it didn't set very well (I didn't want to disturb the flavour of the strawberries by adding apple and I don't like using manufactured pectin as it contains sulphur dioxide) It tastes delicious and I am really please to be adding it to my pantry shelf. :)
Tomatoes are growing really well, we are just about to harvest our first courgettes of the season - despite me starting them off super-early in in the polytunnel, they still take to July to start flowering, the PT ones at the same time as the outdoor ones... The melon plants are looking good, but only a single cucumber plant has survived (I don't know why, I planted about a dozen) We are harvesting carrots and spring onions planted up there in February.
Veg Plot
The peas are just starting to produce, we have more lettuce than you can shake a stick at and the radishes have gone over. We have been having salad potatoes and of course lovely eggs... yummy :)
My work
In other news, I have opened a new shop over at Etsy. The Tea Cosy Shop is my new venture, an outlet just for my tea cosies and such, so they don't clog up my Snowdrops and Daisies shop (which is more of an eclectic range of goodie I just fancy making.
Also, I have now booked myself in to a few of the big fancy pants craft fairs in Glasgow.... I am reeeeealy nervous about them but also very excited.... I keep thinking that it is something I want to do in the 'future' but eventually got a kick up the bum from Ali (at AliBali Jewellery) and decided I really should stop procrastinating. So, some dates for your diaries - Saturday 21st August and Saturday 20th November. Both are in Langside Halls, Queens park (Glasgow South Side) If you fancy a day out I recommend lunch at the ivory a wander through the park and up to The Glasshouse (where we had our wedding reception) to see the tarantulas and snakes and down to Beanscene, Shawlands for a coffee and a cake... stopping in at the craft fair of course... to spend a gazillion pounds on my lovely wares :)
Thats enough rambling for now...
Thanks for reading ;o)
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