Saturday, 30 July 2011

What on earth have we been doing in the past 3 months?

Well, we gave ourselves 3 months to stop living in a building site and those 3 months end in 2 days.

Our home is certainly much less of a building site but we still have quite a bit to go.

Es room is complete!!
The shower room and utility room tantalisingly close to being finished. 
We now have everything we need to complete the kitchen, and the upstairs landing.

But time has not been our friend...

Here are 5 Reasons we have been not as quick as we had hoped. I'm not making excuses but more as a note to self.

1) Keeping Fresh
We have no hot water and we can't just jump in the shower after a day of sanding or plastering, and we are less inclined to do anything that will get us so filthy that we need a shower.
...let's just say it can get a tad pungent...

We take half a day at the weekend to drive to the in-laws to have a shower... the time out of the house adds up. :(
Our new hot-water tank arrives next week.... WOOT!!

2) Mneh
The monotonous plodding away to get a room plastered, tiled, sanded, plastered again, sanded again, get the woodwork done, painted, 3 more coats of paint... well it is leaves one saying  mneh! 

 When procrastination kicks in I move to something else just to regain my sanity.

3) Garden
It is has been a fairly nice summer so far - and the garden was in one heck of a state when the builders left...and also the 6 months of neglect it suffered over the winter... in addition, we grow as much of our own fruit and veg as we can and it is all organic.... so quite a bit of time on sunny days (and cold rainy ones too) is spent doing that.

4) Housework
In addition to the building work I also keep house... in the best way I can. There once was a time when I was very house-proud and I am looking forward to those days again. 
I'm feeling on top of it, and, with a little help from Flylady I will win in the end :)

5) Other Commitments
We have a large family, who we try to see from time to time. Along with fittings and makeup trials for being a bridesmaid in 6 weeks....
I have online commitments, failing to carry my weight as co-mod on our local freecycle group and barely managing to keep up on the selfsufficiency forum I admin on.

....... and I run my own business too........

........ oh and the Wonderful E, who blesses my everyday with her incessant questions and brilliantness........

Hell, no wonder it has taken longer than hoped to get work done here.
We have done pretty darned well actually. 

1 comment :

  1. Good to see that you're getting there! Will be stunning once it's finished


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