Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Shopping Lists (The £50 a week budget)

The sole purpose of this exercise is to live well on a budget. 
I'm not going to tell you how to support local producers, buy organic or boycott the supermarket. I'll leave that up to you. 
This same system could be adapted for a farmers' market or local main street. 

I will tell you how I avoid missing things I need, or how I do a supermarket shop without trailing up and down every isle just picking what I fancy at the time.

Start by writing down the different areas in your supermarket in the order you walk through them.

These are the headings I use: 

Fruit and Veg 

Fridge and Bakery 

Tins and Jars


Other foods

Non Foods

You know the place you shop at regularly, you know where the isles are. 
Adjust it to what you buy.... we don't buy much frozen stuff so I don't do a freezer section. We buy lots of dried pasta, rice, beans, cous cous, etc, so I have a section for that. 

Now add the items you need to buy for the meals you have planned for the coming week. 

 Fruit and Veg 

 Fridge and Bakery 
Tortilla wraps 

 Tins and Jars 
Kidney Beans 

 Cous cous 
Plain flour 

 Other foods 
Frozen Fish 


 Next, write down the things that you have noticed need replenished around the house.

Fruit and Veg

 Fridge and Bakery
Tortilla wraps 
Plain Yogurt 

 Tins and Jars 
Kidney Beans 

 Cous cous
 Plain flour
 Self-raising flour 

 Other foods
 Frozen Fish 

 Elastic bands

 Now, put your shopping list note-book in an easily accessible place where anyone in the house can add to it over the next day, we keep ours in the kitchen. Chances are that you have forgotten to add something or you will realise something else is getting low. 

 Fruit and Veg

 Fridge and Bakery
 Tortilla wraps 
Plain Yogurt 
 Tins and Jars 
Kidney Beans 
 Cous cous
 Plain flour 
Self-raising flour
 Other foods 
Frozen Fish 
Ice -cream 

Elastic bands 
Loo roll 

 Now Your list is ready to go when you are! 

Additional tips 

Stick to the list! 
This is whole point of the exercise, impulse buying is the enemy of the budget. Don't pick up 3 for 2s, or special offers that are advertised unless the item is on the list. Except in the 90% off discount section of the supermarket where we allow ourselves to buy off the list. 

 To save money it is really helpful if you can do your weekly shop in the evening, around 7.30pm when the supermarket do their big reductions on Fruit, veg and bakery goods. (big reductions are 90% off) This can make a big difference to the range of foods you will be able to afford. (usually fruit and veg, and bakery items, I steer clear of discount meat or fish as a rule) 

 Remember your freezer 
Before you go shopping, give it a quick tidy and check what space you have, this means, if you do manage to pick up a bargain you know you will have somewhere for it to go.


  1. I have just had a lightbulb moment reading this post! What a genius idea to write the list according to the aisles in the supermarket. I always was a bit slow on the uptake!
    Thanks for your great blog - I really enjoy it.
    Alex x

  2. Hi..we do this..i have a master list in the kitchen..then i sit down and go through it..sorting it into aisles..i try to avoid the special offers..i have switched my shopping habits since another blog i read has encouraged avoiding the supermarkets..i have found the most wonderful grocer and he is amazing..lovely chap..bit of a cheat here but my eldest daughter works for a huge supermarket on the meat and fish counters..i get some good reduced items..so it all helps.
    Another thing i do is use approved foods for bulk discount..which i split with my 3 older daughters.
    take care


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