Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Emergency Halloween Decorations

I wanted to share with you some easy-peasy Halloween decorations. I know I'm late and you have all had your polystyrene graveyards in your gardens since laste Thursday. But we are still pretty much a building site and busy everyday with renovation jobs, wet plaster on the walls, dust-sheets over furniture, that kind of thing.

But we need to make time for these things so we all sat around the table after dinner last night and quickly ran up some beautifully simple Halloween decorations.

Here are my 
Easy Halloween Decorating Ideas:

- Some basic pumpkin shapes to decorate (Small does lots of speed drawing, aka, scribbles)

- Some basic black and orange bunting (you can get my guide for making Emergency Bunting Here)

- A handful of bats cut-out of black paper and blu-tacked in various places, I especially like these ones we stuck on the inside of our IKEA MELODI lampshades

- Some Silhouette cut-out ghosts, Small and I made one each, they look great when it is dark outside, they would probably look good from outside too but it was too late and wet to venture outside for a photo

- And this is my favourite, from Martha Stewart's website paper cut-out mice stuck on our stairs. I just need to make sure I remove them before my mother visits...

And we didn't even manage to get a pumpkin!?!?!

 Have you got any other quick halloween decorating tips for busy families? Let me know in the comments below.


  1. I don't do Halloween, but those mice on the stairs look so good! I think they could be permanent feature :-)

  2. Yes, I loved those mice, I am sorely tempted to paint a cute wee mouse on the stair permanently.

    The problem is that my Mother has a pretty serious phobia so it is a no-go unless I can think of a covert way of hiding it when she visits.

  3. Those mice would surely scare off both kids and women. I could just imagine the shrieks!


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