Friday, 18 January 2013

Happy Blogiversary!

I started blogging at Our Handmade Home 2 years ago this week!

*confetti cannon*


So what has been happening chez McG over the past 2 years??

Well for starters, 2 years ago this house was uninhabitable *Boo

We had few walls, few floors, no stairs, no sink, no back door. Our furniture and other belongings were stored in a garage at the end of the road and we were living between my Sister's in Fife and my Brother's in Glasgow. It was a hectic and unhappy time and not one I would wish on my worst enemy. I'm glad it is very much behind us now.

In my first blog post I was priming a door - it was the first thing I painted in the house, and that was good for the soul. I remember it was freezing and we had no way of keeping warm, and no way of washing. I was wearing CSI gloves on my hands, with socks over them to try keep clean and warm. I am quite the fashion icon.



All done by our own fair hands, and we are proud of ourselves. We've still got a terribly long way to go.... but I hope you'll agree we're going in the right direction now. We're not even finished everything you can see in the photo (oh the shame!)

Since then we have:

  • Moved home
  • Brought Cat home
  • Sanded most of the floors
  • Finished Small's room
  • Built the kitchen
  • Got the majority of the electrics up and running
  • Bought all the major appliances for the kitchen (we're still paying for them)
  • Had the builders back to do the livingroom floor and ceiling
  • Had hot water sorted.
  • Fitted our shower room.
  • Poured a concrete hearth, then tiled it.
  • Fitted all the radiators
  • About 100 other things

And all this time we kept the homemade meals coming, kept reading bedtime stories, kept home-educating, one of us has been holding down a demanding job, we've had friends and family over for dinners and birthdays, and all on a tight budget.

I think we've done rather well, so we are going to give each other a pat on the back.

During a lot of the harder work over the last year I neglected the blog a bit... soz blog lovers. Blogging isn't easy when you are cold, tired and exhausted. We did take photos and I am hoping to share more of them with you as we move on to the more enjoyable bits of renovating our home.

Thanks for joining us over the past 2 years. Knowing that you folks are out there following us makes us feel all warm and cosy inside.


  1. Congratulations! I love reading about your slow and steady progress, and really admire you for continuing and turning a building into a lovely home.

    1. Aw thanks Jo, it's getting easier the closer we get to something 'normal'

  2. Well done on managing to not go completely mental in these past two years. I know it was close at times and it gives me no end of joy to see you starting to come out the other end. It's starting to look really amazing and I hope you look around at the end of each day with immense pride at what you have all achieved. Well done to the three of you! Now, have a mug of wine x

    1. Thanks Clare,

      We are starting to really love our house, and for a long while that wasn't looking possible.
      Thanks for being a wee online support chum for me all these years.

      *glugs down mug-o-wine*



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