Thursday, 7 February 2013

Blog Building

I'm working on a new group blog for local home-educating families.

I am no expert in this blog prettying malarky but it is fun to play around with layouts and colours.

I have built a banner on picmonkey which I highly recommend (a free to use photo editor and collage creator) though it runs mighty slow on my Macbook - what is it with Mac and flash?

Glasgow Home education Group Banner

Anyway, I've still got a list of things to go and prod in the back rooms over there. Once I'm finished over there I think I'll come and dust off the cobwebs round here, about time for an updated look.

* * *

We meet up with our home-ed group as often as we can, usually once a week. It gives us all a chance to play and chat with our friends, these days it also gives us parents a chance to get numb toes from standing in the cold while the kids run around after each other.

One benefit of being the only school age kids in the park is that we often have staff or volunteers offering to give us a free tour or asking us to join in. The kids are really keen to help out and the staff are always thrilled at how attentive they are.

The girls helping fill up bird feeders
Luckily, there is a team of us posting over there, because once I get back to work on those stairs I think I would implode if I had to update 2 blogs.

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