Friday, 15 February 2013

Win a Wood Burner : Competition Time!

The competition is now closed, Thankyou.

We got our woodburner back in 2007, it was the first thing that we did to make the cottage ours. The cottage did have an open fireplace but to be honest it sucked away as much heat as it created. As soon as we had the stove fitted our Cat decided where her favourite spot in the house was.

I think there's a primeval urge to light a fire in the winter, clicking a switch on a white plastic box just isn't quite the same. Woodburners are efficient as well, much more than an open fire. You can regulate how fast the fuel burns and sometimes you can get the wood for free; We have warmed our cockles over many a pallet and felled trees from local farms.

Our sponsors over at HotPrice are currently running a competition to win this cute stove.

HotPrice Facebook Competition

The model is DEFRA approved, so even homes in smokeless areas (eg. most cities) can burn wood.

So pop over to the HotPrice Facebook Page and share the photo for a chance to win.

Closing date is 1st March.

While you are doing Facebook things, don't forget to like the Our Handmade Home Page over there too, we'll keep you up to date with our goings on down here at Chez McG.

Full Disclosure - This is a sponsored post brought to you by the people at  
Click here for more details about our advertisement deals

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