Tuesday, 9 April 2013

What to do With Fabric Remnants?

I've been having  bit of downtime here in chez McG, this does not mean that I've stopped DIYing just more of the sitting down doing quiet tasks and planning rather than climbing ladders and making mess with paint.

In my pottering around I decided to dig through my fabric stash.

I found so much that I had forgotten about; and in my aim to de-clutter I am going to attempt to use it all  a good amount of it up in the next few weeks.

So far I have begun: 
A little patchwork picnic blankie
A wee soap bag.

I still want to make:
A hanging shower caddy for when we go camping (with loads of wee pockets to hold everyone's necessaries)

The majority is really thick upholstery/curtain fabric, but none of it is very big, hardly any of it is larger than 0.5m.

Some of it I really love but I'm not sure what to do with it. This leafy print might end up on the bottom of roller blinds in the kitchen.

 I have no idea what to do with this, It was once destined for a playpen I think.

I have no idea what to do with most of this... so I'm reaching out to you guys. Have you any ideas? (there is much more than what is in the photos)

I'd love to make more things to make our camping days run smoother. And it would maybe be a good idea to make some fabric boxes or bags for sorting and storing around the house.

I'll be over at pinterest looking for ideas, in the meantime please do leave me suggestions in the comments below or on our facebook page, pinterest, or over at twitter.


  1. My Mum made me a Doctor Who cushion for Christmas and had some of the patterned material she used left over, so she made me a small Doctor Who purse. Turns out she had more left over than she expected, I've now got a Doctor Who tote bag too XD (The scrap material makes a thick "band" in the middle of the outside of the bag, with dark blue for the main part of the bag).

  2. I have also got a stash of fabric, including OH's old shirts and jeans all cut up! Problem is I cant resist buying more, even if I dont have a project in mind. I've just discovered pinterest and am becoming addicted.

  3. If the print is large (like the giraffe)you can cut out and use as a 'motif' to decorate larger items. I would have suggested cushion covers, bags (drawstring and shoulder types) aprons, etc. I like the idea of a shower caddy - maybe you could make something similar to use around the house, either bedroom kitchen etc. Best of luck with ideas


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