Wednesday, 11 December 2013

New Arrival!!

Our newest DIY project arrived 2 weeks ago.

Unlike other bloggers out there I try to keep our private life very much private so there won't be lots of details of names or weights or dates if that's ok with you guys.

Here, I'll call him Teeny. (though he really is a big baby)

I had a lovely birth supported by the world's best midwife and I wish every woman could have the same experience as I did. I strongly recommend natal hypnotherapy and water. We managed to leave the hospital 24 hours after I arrived, and it was bliss to get home to recover so quickly.

My SPD appears to be correcting itself though there are back pain and sciatica issues that are going to keep me from digging in the garden for a few more months (not a problem this time of year though, thankfully)

We're all very happy and tired. I hope you'll forgive the lack of regular blog updates for a while.



I love getting your comments, they really make my day! I try to respond when I can.

I moderate all comments to cut out the stinky spam. So please be patient if it hasn't popped up immediately.

If you ask a question remember to check back for an answer later.

Thank-you, you wonderful peeps!

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