Saturday, 24 May 2014

Social Networking

I've been sorting out my virtual-office, virtual-notice-boards and virtual-reception desk. I'm shooting about all over the internet trying to polish up my accounts and connections on various social media.

My over-tired Mummy face.
You'll find me wearing it all around the net.

I get a lot of emails from blogland. A lot about vintage sewing machines, some about DIY, occasionally about home-education (and a scary amount of spammers).
I've realised that if y'all email me, it is a closed conversation, which is a bit sad, and I'd like for these chats to be shared instead. (except the spammers, you can leave me alone thanks)

So I'm taking a minute to share all my favourite virtual places so you can find me and hook up with me, and I can follow you back and we can like, chat and hang out and stuff.

Twitter - I do love twitter, you'll find us both over there whenever we have a free minute.
 @_snowdrops_ or @gohn

Pinterest - This has become a bit of an addiction for me and has filled the gap in my chillaxing time that used to be filled by a multitude of homes and interiors magazines.
Ann @ Our Handmade Home

Linkedin - I'm new here, and I don't really know what I'm doing yet. If you are a blogger, Etsy seller, small business owner, magazine peep or PR type wanting to work with me and the blog, maybe you could catch me on linkedin.

Facebook - I'll be honest, I am not a facebook fan, its a little too controlling and all-knowing.
However, it is the worlds biggest social media outlet, so I'll stick around. Remind me to pop over more often though, our page could do with a bit of attention.
Our Handmade Home page

You can also follow the blog on:

Bloglovin - I've just signed up myself and I'm loving it, all my blogs in 1 place... if only there were more hours in the day

Feedly - I don't know anything about feedly, but I do know I have about 50 readers over there. *waves* Hi guys!! let me know why feedly is great please.

Anywhere else I should be? What's your favourite?

PS. Comments on the blog will always be open and my email thingy will always be over there somewhere >>> if you don't want to use other social media to get in touch.

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I love getting your comments, they really make my day! I try to respond when I can.

I moderate all comments to cut out the stinky spam. So please be patient if it hasn't popped up immediately.

If you ask a question remember to check back for an answer later.

Thank-you, you wonderful peeps!

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