Monday, 27 October 2014

Our Kitchen Blackboard Door

When we began designing our new home (oh so many moons ago) we had written on our wish list for the kitchen 'a blackboard door' and we love how it works for us.

The door is between our Kitchen and our Utility room. It is a sliding 'pocket' door (meaning that it slides neatly into the wall), it is an amazing space saver and makes the room more flexible than if it was a normal opening door.

All it took was a couple of coats of blackboard paint and it brightens up the whole kitchen... yes... despite the fact that it is black...

It changes all the time, depending who is feeling in an artistic mood. Just now it is our 'Kitchen Cafe Menu' and we take turns writing up what we are eating for meals.

We also use our Blackboard door for:
  • Shopping lists
  • Memos
  • To do lists
  • School work
  • Motivational messages

I like the old-skool style of our blackboard - we use normal chalk sticks to write on it. (top tip - dampen the chalk tip before writing, it makes for a bolder colour)

I'd love to try chalk pens but I've heard they don't readily wipe off and need painted over? If you know differently please let me know.

A few motivational messages, snapped on my camera phone

The Nitty Gritty:

  • Door is a standard hollow flat door. It was the cheapest option and suited our needs perfectly
  • The system for hanging a pocket door is sold as a kit (It is pricey and needs installing when you are building the stud wall) I can't remember the brand we used now but if you google 'pocket door kit' you should find them for sale.
  • Blackboard paint is B & Qs own brand - it needs re-painting about every 6 months or so.
  • Our minimalist door handle is a hook from IKEA, it just screws onto the surface and doesn't obstruct the door too much.

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