Thursday, 13 November 2014

Charlie and the Curtain Factory

I have spent today finishing off yet more curtains!! This time they are in a brilliant Roald Dahl / Quentin Blake fabric, and sadly, they are not for me.

Sewing machine Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Fabric

When a very, very (very) good friend of mine asked me to whip up some black-out curtains for her bedroom and for her soon-to-be baby's bedroom I literally couldn't say no, it would have been actually impossible.

I can't really hide the fact that I make everything for my own house (the blog title 'Our Handmade Home' is such a give away) and I made my own wedding dress and I was using my sewing machine while in labour... I mean, it becomes impossible to hide the fact that I can and do sew things regularly and with (at least some amount of) aptitude.

Pinning and ironing curtains to sew - Our Handmade Home

After I made the first set of curtains for my friend I had a serious crisis of confidence and decided that these were not good enough... I have these moments of 'wobble' when doing anything for other people. I am a terrible apologist, sorry.

Then I had a serious case of guilt as I looked around at the unfinished curtains in my own house. Well I had to get the last of the Roald Dahl curtains finished before my friends' baby arrives and I was compelled to finish my own curtains first, which led to a self-inflicted race-to-the-finish, I am so glad I'm done.

Maple Cinnamon Curtains - Our Handmade Home
My living room curtains

I really enjoyed making the curtains, I do love sewing and the fabric was lovely and soft to work with; I just don't like the pressure I put on myself to get things impossibly perfect or to get my own jobs done first.

Oh yeah and I also whipped up 4 cushion covers in 4 more Quentin Blake Fabrics - my favourite was Matilda. :)

If anyone reading this is thinking about asking me to make them some curtains my rates are as follows:

17 years of friendship and the impending birth of your first born
A carrier bag full of Thorntons rum truffles.

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