Thursday, 6 November 2014

Cot Frame to Clothes Horse

This is a brilliant way to recycle an old cot frame - We turned our old cot into a much needed clothes airer and I hope you agree, a pretty one it is too.

The story goes something like this:
We had a baby Yay! she slept in a cot until she was 3, then we put the cot frame up in the loft 'in case'
3 years later the 'in case' became a large impending bump Yay! and we went to buy a new cot mattress.
Cot mattresses have changed in dimensions so we need to buy a whole new cot, and also, of course, a mattress.

* * *

I hate throwing things out that have use and I knew the old cot was only good for landfill or firewood unless I turned it into something else. So when I got my ingenious brain and DIY skillz back in order (who am I kidding? I still have mega baby brain)  I turned that cot frame into something attractive and useful. 

Here's how:

I used two tiny butt hinges on the inside of the frame, screwed and also glued in place. 

The photos are rough, hope you get the idea (sorry)

I then used 2 lengths of cotton herringbone tape to hold the legs the right distance apart - I wrapped the tape round the spindles, stapled and then secured it with glue, to keep it looking pretty.

The webbing tape hangs a tad too low when the frame is folded, so it doesn't tidy away very neatly. I'd recommend fixing it about halfway up the frame instead.

Then a thorough clean, to get off any remaining lofty type gunk, and it is ready to use.

I'm really glad it turned out this well, I don't think it is obvious to the untrained eye that it was once a cot frame, and it gives us much needed extra indoor drying space.

1 comment :

  1. Thank you, Unknown.

    This is really cool upcycling.
    I was looking on the net for foldaway wooden clothes-horses and they're quite pricy.
    I often see cots put outside the front of homes. Free to take. I might be sorted soon.
    You have opened my eyes!


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