Monday, 3 November 2014

Hiding Holes

This weekend I finally got around to putting up that last bit of plasterboard in the living room. (NB. still more plasterboarding needing done in other rooms of the house)

Our kitchen and living-room are open-plan and this is the opening between the 2. There are radiator pipes behind the stud wall on the right that needed insulated first, the plasterboard needed to be screwed into the wood on the right but glued (with No More Nails style Grab adhesive) onto the face of the brick wall on the left - and it was just one of those basic jobs that got left while we got on with other menial things... y'know... like having a baby and baking cakes

I got to work - An old shirt is my work-wear, very handy if I need to quickly be clean enough to deal with 11 month old Teeny. The shirt fits over my regular clothes and the cuffs keep out the dust. Small, aged 8, was my helper and reportage photographer.

Busy family life in the house means we need to be able to work around everything without making too much mess - I wasn't able to clear much space to work in - this wasn't a huge problem as the job was quite small and a quick sweep and mop up after dealt with the mess, ready for a crawling baby again.

The biggest problem was retrieving the bit of plasterboard from behind the pile of wood in (what will be) the bathroom.

By this point Small was really enjoying having the camera all to herself, but she was struggling holding the camera still. This is me pulling my best 'concentrating' face.

Finally, the big hole is covered.

The bricks on the left will be lime plastered up to the plasterboard - all part of blending new building with old walls while trying to retain the unique character of the house. The space on the right is under-stairs storage, still in need of finishing.

All the while, John was busying away in the kitchen looking after Teeny and whipping up this most amazing belated birthday cake.

Productive day, and chocolate cake


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