Friday, 28 November 2014

Flat-Pack Belated Birthday Gift

I asked for a desk for my birthday this year - but we couldn't find anything that would fit in our awkward space - This is the area behind our staircase, it was always supposed to be our home-office but I hadn't really realised how difficult it was going to be.

The desk needs to be only 40cm deep, as the space is narrow, but the desk also needs to be tall enough to go over a radiator - GAH!

I couldn't find any desk new or second-hand that would fit.

We eventually decided to get a BESTA unit from IKEA, which is the right depth (40cm) and, when it has legs on, it is just the right height (74cm) and it can be fitted with drawers and doors. It isn't a desk though, just a bookcase, so I'll still have a bit of work to finish the job.

I was however, in need my annual flat-pack fix, so... Woop!

We picked chrome legs, I think they look quite swish.

All put together in the kitchen and then moved into place, it suits the space really well, I'm so glad. Now it just needs:

  • a couple of drawers
  • a long table top
  • a set of legs at the other end of the table top
  • and some skirting board put behind.

and then it will be a fully formed desk

... but for now... it's good...

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