Thursday, 20 November 2014

Freecycle Makeover: Bedside Tables

I love freecycle (our local group has become a freegle, but has the same premise) I love that we can recycle our unwanted furniture and get the things we need at no cost.

Sometimes you get a really great find, sometimes those finds need a make over...

We recieved 2 sturdy bedside tables on our freegle group a while ago and it was just what we needed; we've been using old chairs for ages, and we needed more space.

The description said that they would need 'a bit of TLC'

When we picked them up this one was bright green, the other was pink - both were covered in stickers, and stickiness, um, yes,  more than a little TLC...

Still, I'm not one to shy away from a little makeover but my priority was for a super-quick turn around.
  1. I sprayed the stickers with WD40 and scraped them off.
  2. A thorough clean with some wire wool to scrub off the ick and key the surface for the new paint.
  3. I slapped on the first coat of paint 

Next morning, another coat of paint and I was done!

The job took a little over an hour, they are not perfect but they are clean, attractive and useful, they will certainly do for now.

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