Tuesday is Nature Studies day in our home-school. Small has been growing veg in her own garden plot over the summer, we tracked rainfall for a month (it has been a wet summer, there was A LOT OF RAIN) we also go on regular nature walks.
Earlier in the summer we were inspired by the RSPBs 'give nature a home' campaign, and decided to build a Mini-Beast Hotel in our garden.
To make your own Mini-Beast Hotel you just need a stack of old usable building materials and some garden waste. Here is a short list of what we used.
Old bricks
Roof slates
Planks of wood
Twigs - cut and bundled
Broken clay pipes
Broken terracotta plant pots
15mm plastic pipe - cut and bundled
Damp wood chips
Dry grass and leaves
Bundled chicken wire
So far most of what we have seen is spiders but I figure most of the beasties keep themselves hidden away... either that or the spiders have eaten them all.
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