Friday, 11 December 2015

Handmade Winter Window Decorations

I love to peer at windows at Winter time, don't you? Not just because I'm nosey... Ok, maybe I'm a little bit nosey, but mostly for the lovely decorations.

When the days are dark my favourite thing is Christmas trees and lights in windows, as kids we use to count them as we walked home from school. I also love the window displays of the little gift shops and coffee shops on the high street they always have the best Christmas windows don't you think?

It just so happens that last week I saw a beautiful winter scene in a shop window, it was an outline of the rooftops of houses with snowflakes above. I decided to decorate my own windows in a similar way. I made a crisp little silhouette on the computer, I included little trees, lots of houses and a little church.

Winter Window Village - Our Handmade Home

Then I remembered a christmas ornament that we had when I was young, it was a little church with lovely stained glass windows and a light on the inside. In reality - it wasn't that lovely, it was plastic and tacky but I am remembering through the fog of Christmas Past. I decided to make the little windows colourful, like stained glass.

The inside of the silhouette is black, so that we can see it clearly in daylight. The outside is white, to reflect the streetlights after dark. All the fiddly little windows are cut out with a craft knife and then some tape and a couple of sharpies give them a very effective stained glass look.

Paper Houses with Stained Glass - Our Handmade Home

We live in a little village with no front gardens so our windows are in plain sight, that means they are perfect for some cute window decorations. I used a couple of strings of stars finish the look off.

Village Window Decoration - Our Handmade Home

From outside, after dark, even under a streetlamp the light shines through the little 'stained glass' windows beautifully.

Christmas Window Stickers - Our Handmade Home

Here are some other thoughts I had on decorating winter windows, I will leave them here as inspiration for others...

  • Use strings of cotton wool balls to replicate falling snow
  • Write a Merry Christmas message, or line from a christmas song on your window (remember to use window pens and write in reverse so it can be read outside)
  • Hang coloured baubles or pine cones in the window with invisible thread.
  • Cut out some paper snowflakes and tape them on to the window - this is a lovely thing to do with children.
  • Hang a festive wreath or some greenery in the window
  • Dangle some traditional paper chains across the window
I hope you find some way to decorate your windows this season, and give me another reason to peek in windows.

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