Sunday, 4 January 2009

.....and a Happy New Year! - Archives 2009

So my post Christmas cold/ flu has kicked in.... Bleuch!!

Sitting in bed with a scarf, a hot water bottle and a cup of lemsip.

I did have a busy day though, we got a delivery of wood today - first (and hopefully only) delivery this winter, our house is terraced with no front garden, so the wood gets chucked off the truck, onto the pavement and then we shift it through the house, we can't even use the wheel barrow because there are several stairs and corners to negotiate.... and yes, that is INSIDE the house.

But that is it all stacked undercover now, we still have quite a bit of other wood stacked around the place but we decided it was best to get it in now and ensure that we have enough for the next few months rather than wait till we run out before ordering any. Running out of wood is no fun at all :(


E had such a lovely time over the holidays but back to normal tomorrow and I think we will all appreciate it, time to get E behaving herself again.... she is just working out that she can ask her Dad if Mum says No.... and if she keep badgering Dad, he will give in........ In the last few days we have had to use 'time out' a few times too.... and it has been several months since the last time we needed to.


I don't plan much for the next week though, if truth be told, I am desperate to get back out to the garden. We have now had a ground frost that has lasted.... oh about a month.... with perhaps a few milder days.... the ground is rock solid, so no planting just yet. Though, come to think of it I might start spreading around the various cloches and old shower screens I have to warm up some of the ground a little earlier.

The green house frame is still sitting there, the walls are up, but not the roof, nor the ends.... still quite a bit of work needing done.


We have another builder coming over during the week, still hoping to start work in the late spring.... who knows.... but we have found another leak...this time it is in the crappy roofing felt that is on the bad extensions. Only a few more months to go (lets hope)

Thanks for reading ;o)

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