Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Make Do and Mend Tutorials – #2 extend a t-shirt - Archives 2009

Now is it me? But either tshirts shrink in length with age or I used to be a few inches shorter? (nobody mention my muffin-top belly thank-you) I know that shops are definitely selling much longer length t-shirts the last few years.

These Ts have lycra in them, they are the tight fitting jersey knit T, rather than the baggy man T's.

I have amassed a large collection of these old t-shirts which have nothing wrong with them, except that they ride up so much when I wear them that they leave me exposed (both to the elements and to unsuspecting eyes - see the afore mentioned 'muffin top')

Well, I came up with an ingenious way to get more wear out of my t-shirts... so here goes...


You will need

2 old but good condition t-shirts or vests

A sewing machine (you could do by hand but I wouldn't)


co-ordinating thread

- -

first take your Ts and Iron them (I chose  a plain, old favourite for my main T and a bright stripe old vest for the extension)
Old Favourite T - main
Bright Stripy Vest - extension





So start by cutting the bottom 4 inches off of your extension T
Cut your T - I hate doing this

Next pin your extension into your main T - start at the hems, down either side and work your way in, streching to fit as you go.


Next, over at the sewing machine.... sew, with co-ordinating thread (so no-one knows our little secret ;-) ) right along the original 2 seams.
Sewing on the seams

Remove pins and thats you, ready for a night on the town.... or you know... watching telly or going to the shop, or whatever you like...
Modeled by the lovely annpan

wow, how blurry is that photo?.... oh well, you get the idea....

Thanks for reading ;o)

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