Wednesday, 4 November 2009

AMIdesigns - The Interview

Hi everyone,

The weather is turning a bit colder here at Snowdrop Cottage so time to cosy up under a blankie with a nice cuppa and have a chat with another crafter -

My next featured artist is Alison from AMI designs.

Alison sells beautiful handmade beaded jewellery from her shop in Etsy

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[caption id="attachment_149" align="aligncenter" width="430" caption="Teal Bubbles Pearl Bracelet - by AMIdesigns @ Etsy"]Teal Bubbles Pearl Bracelet - by AMIdesigns @ Etsy[/caption]
1. How did you come up with the shop name AMI designs?

My name is Alison Irving and my shop is AMIdesigns - simply my initials. Wish I had been a bit more creative now!

2. What is your favourite item to make and why?

I love making memory wire bracelets and never seem to run out of ideas for them. I think it's because they are quick and easy to make and don't I don't need to do any crimping or wire wrapping.

[caption id="attachment_150" align="aligncenter" width="430" caption="Purple and Silver Memory Wire Bracelet - by AMIdesigns @ Etsy"]Purple and Silver Memory Wire Bracelet - by AMIdesigns @ Etsy[/caption]
3. Can you tell me a little bit about the methods you use, like the memory wire.

I find memory wire so easy to work with but one of the most important things is to make sure you have a decent pair of memory wire cutters - don't try and use ordinary wire cutters or you will destroy them. It's just a simple case of using round nose pliers to bend round the ends and a quick squeeze with flat pliers to make sure it is properly shut and no beads will slip out.

4. What do you love most about your craft?

I never really thought of myself as a crafty person but once I started making jewellery I realised that maybe I was. I totally love buying beads and imagining putting the pieces together. The absolute best thing is getting nice feedback from people who have bought my work.

[caption id="attachment_152" align="aligncenter" width="429" caption="Forest Necklace - by AMIdesigns @ Etsy"]Forest Necklace - by AMIdesigns @ Etsy[/caption]
5. What do you find most challanging about your craft?

Time management. I work part-time and I have 2 young kids, so I feel guilty when I am crafting not spending time with them. And I feel guilty when I not crafting. I wish there were more hours in the day.

5. What else do you like to do with your time?

I try and go to the gym at least once a week, I'm in a book club so I have to read at least one book a month and I love socialising with friends. There's nothing quite like a good gossip over a latte (or a glass of wine!)

6. Anything else you want the people to know about your shop?

I sell mainly bracelets online but I'm always happy to make necklaces and earrings to match. And I love custom orders.

[caption id="attachment_151" align="aligncenter" width="412" caption="Ocean Colour Scene Earrings - by AMIdesigns @ Etsy"]Ocean Colour Scene Earrings - by AMIdesigns @ Etsy[/caption]
7. Do you have anything special in your shop for the holiday season?

I've just added some beaded Christmas ornaments and will be adding a few more in Christmassy colours over the next week or two.

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I'd like to thank Alison for taking time out of her busy life to find time to answer my questions and I hope you'll agree with me that her creations are absolutely gorgeous, perfect gifts for this Christmas.


Snowdrops x


  1. I love Alison's shop. Her work is so lovely.

    Lovely feature.

  2. Alisons shop is a colourfest! Her bubble bracelets are gorgeous. Great i/v snowdrops. x

  3. I just love Alison's work. Her colour combinations are always so luscious!

  4. I love all the bubbly pieces - they always make me smile ;0-)

  5. I love AMI's work, it is so original, classy and colourful.

  6. I love Alison's work too, shame I don't wear jewellery


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