Friday, 6 November 2009

My Birthday Present - Archives 2009

A delightful package arrived by parcel force  on Wednesday  morning... my belated birthday present, I knew I was waiting on something else to be delivered

*And if I'm honest, I had noticed that a particular favourite of mine had been sold on Etsy... just a few days before my birthday... so I secretly knew what it was


The box on the livingroom floor - tempting me until I could take it no more.

I needed tea, and I needed it a big mug!!.

So I am now the very proud owner of an Illyria pottery mug.

My Mug  - similar available from Illyria Pottery @ Etsy

The craftsmanship is amazing, she is sturdy and hugable, tactile and beautiful.

I have being calling her either "Hu-mug-ous" or "Ginormug" - yes, she needed a name.

Now my morning coffee tastes precisely 1 million times better.

Thankyou Birthday Fairy :)

Snowdrops x

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