Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Painting the Back Doors

We have 2 back doors situated near each other, well they are near each other outside, but not inside. We decided to paint them both the same colour... inside and out.

I had no option but to paint the doors on a cold day, which is far from ideal. You can see marks and ripples on it where it has had trouble drying. It will require a substantial sanding and another coat (in better weather) before I am happy with it.

Gorgeous colour though.... very 'tardis-y' we are wondering if it would break any laws to put a 'police' sign on it

Never expect one-coat gloss to only need one-coat, that would be mad.... do expect it to give you a quick overall effect and at least a layer of protection over the surface.

On my ipod:

The Nitty Gritty:
  • Wooden 2xg door from Howdens Timber, glazed with high performance double glazing (ordered and installed by our builder)
  • B & Q quick-dry wood primer
  • B&Q one-coat gloss in Midnight Blue

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