Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Utility Room is GO!

Now that the floor has been nicely sanded and varnished and the kitchen is at the point that we will be completing it ourselves (excepting the electrics)

We decided to start fitting out the utility room.

So, with the Short One on a theatre trip with her grandparents and with the Manly One packed off to work for the day I got to work... on the IKEA flat-pack unit

...and a  bit of plumbing for the waste pipe

...and the fitting of the unit and the sink

...and plumbing in the tap and the waste (I admit to feeling a little over-excited about having a kitchen tap)

...and fitting the lovely oak work top at the side

...and I still had time left to wash a couple of dishes, get changed into clean clothes and have a cup of tea before it was time to leave.*

The Nitty Gritty:

  • Sink, tap, unit and worktop from IKEA
  • Plumbing parts are Marley brand - available from all good DIY stores

I have been listening too:

*We still have no hot water at the house, and only 1 working socket... and the builders are, as I type, finishing off the structural work to the roof... so we are not yet able to live at home.

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