Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Home Again and We've Been Busy

After 6 months of sleeping in spare rooms, on floors and occasionally in separate houses. We are finally back at home 

We are living without hot water or electrics (well... a single socket and various extension cables) We are getting by just about fine and it is 
to be back home again :)

It has been a while since I was last able to update so let me give you all a quick sneaky peek at what we have been up to...

Tiling in the Utility Room
Getting the shower tray in... no mean feat

Began tiling the shower room

We hired a big floor sander and got 3 rooms done.... and we are loving the results
Got some of our stuff back out of 'storage' 

Got our chickens back!! Yay! fresh eggs again!
 And most importantly
We brought Cat back.... now our house feels like a home again. *sniff* :'o)
The builders have left and the whole project has become very exciting

We're having long days, late nights, and earning ourselves lots of blisters on the way as we bring our house up to.... hopefully much better than... decent living standards.

We have given ourselves a target of 3 months to stop living in a building site... this means using every minute available to make things that bit better for us.

I'd love to do a few tutorials along the way, let me know (in the comments) if there is anything you'd be interested in hearing more about. Now that I have found my camera charger again I'll be able to blog a lot more.

Thanks for reading Peeps, hope to be able to go into more detail again soon....



  1. That is brilliant news. Well done xxx

  2. So glad it's starting to come together. I can't wait to see it finished x


I love getting your comments, they really make my day! I try to respond when I can.

I moderate all comments to cut out the stinky spam. So please be patient if it hasn't popped up immediately.

If you ask a question remember to check back for an answer later.

Thank-you, you wonderful peeps!

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