Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Revamping the doors

We have had no internal doors in the house for a year so it was a lovely day when they went in

We got the doors out of a skip.... or rather, one of our fantastic neighbours just managed to stop them going into a skip :) 

They are solid wood, really good condition and there are 4 of them, which is exactly how many we needed for upstairs.

They are really fantastic doors and in a different setting we would have left them as-is... 
But the wood is quite dark for our rather small, dark cottage and the doors weren't quite our style, 
so we are transforming them...

This is in Small's room so one hook is at a height she can reach

I also love that the handle has a tiny wee communism-esque star etched on it...

The Small's room is nearly finished, I had planned it to take us a week, but we have been working on many other things... it has taken a month so far and there is still a few more coats of paints needed.

The Nitty Gritty:
  • Doors - Salvaged from near Skipdom, my best suggestion is to let friends and neighbours know that you are looking...there are always people throwing amazing stuff into skips (but always ask before removing anything, it is still their property) - - - - If you have the cash to spend, perhaps try a reclaim/salvage yard or if you aren't too picky you could always ask on freecycle too. Before taking on anything like this check it for woodworm, mould or rot... these can be treated but best not bring anything infested into your house.
  • Undercoat and primer - from B&Qs own range.
  • Finishing paint - Crown Satin in pure brilliant white (a water-based paint for interior wood, I like the soft finish it gives)
  • Handle - Eurospec CSL1190SS from Handles4doors.co.uk
  • Hook - BLECKA from a range at IKEA

I was listening to:

1 comment :

  1. nice work there!

    I have the same issue with a few doors here, they will be getting the same treatment as yours.


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