Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

We managed to pick up some reduced-price Scottish Strawberries from the supermarket last night... If I am buying strawberries* I always buy Scottish, because local is best for fresh fruit and veg, plus Scotland grows the best quite frankly ;o)

*which isn't often, but I haven't worked out how to successfully grow a gazillion without the birds munching them

So I took the opportunity to dig out and unpack the blender and whizz up one of my favourite easy smoothies :)
(despite the fact that the kitchen is still needing plastering and decorating)

So not so much a recipe as a 'chuck it all in and press ON'

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1 ripe banana
a handfull of strawberries
a small glass of apple juice
a glug of orange juice
a splash of lemon juice

Chuck it all in a blender and whizz

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Best served on a sunny morning, listening to the birds sing.


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