Friday, 22 June 2012

It's been a busy summer already

I've been gone for a bit... My internet went fuzzy and then the sun came out and I played in the garden for a month :)

We went to see the Olympic torch (getting up at 5am to see it starting in Glasgow)

We got more than we bargained for - 24 torches for the price of 1

Then we went away camping for a few days 

and the rain started 

- - -

But now I am back

- Hello -

I have realised how bad the blog looked while I was away, sorry to all those who popped along to find an out-of-date discount code, shame on me :( 

But watch this space and you'll be the first to know about our next special offer.

- - -

So with all that sun and rain, the garden has started to grow BIG TIME, 

The tent has (with some difficulty) been dried out and packed away, the midge bites have healed and we're back to  'normality'

- - - 

I'll be back soon with more stuff and nonsense

Ann x

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