Friday, 22 June 2012

A Nice Story About Inky Birds

As we have been turning our house back into a home again, nothing has the same effect as when we can hang something up on our wall.... 

For a terribly long time we had no walls to hang things on.

When I was at one of my low points 
(and over the past few years there have been many)

My lovely on-line chum sent me some prints as a cheer-up gift.

And it worked

I kept them in a box in a safe place I knew one day they would be in my kitchen, even when we didn't know if and when our kitchen would happen.

Well, I stashed that box away and we moved out, moved around and eventually moved back home again.... several months later they now have pride of place in the middle of my kitchen, it was a real moment for me putting them up... it felt like home.

 They make me smile every time I see them.

Thanks Felt
(AKA Mel from Inkmeup)

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Mel is a full time crafter, you should totally check out her online shops

1 comment :

  1. So happy to see that your home is coming together ! Lovely print by Mel :)


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