Friday 23 November 2012

How to make... Hama / PYSSLA Play Food - Breakfast

Those of us who have had children in the last 10 years have probably come across

 HAMA or  IKEA PYSSLA beads... 

in fact, 

Most of us have a bottle or jar of them lying under a bed or at the back of the cupboard... right?

Like everyone else, we have wondered what to make with them,
something that lasts beyond the construction time.

Plus we have a little rule in our house about no clutter
(we keep a select few of Small's artistic creations)

Small loves her toy kitchen so much
so we made

Play Food!

We started, as one always should, with breakfast.

Hot Buttered Toast

Fried Mushrooms
(Made on the love-heart template)

Fried Egg

Sliced Tomato

And then my neighbour brought to my door... 
more PYSSLA beads that his children had outgrown.

We've got lots more ideas which I'll post up when we get them made
(streaky bacon anyone?) 

Bon Appetit!!

The Nitty Gritty:
  • These are my own designs and creations, I would love if you make them with your kids, if you share them, also share the link to this blog, but please don't make them to sell. That is stealing and it's not cool, m'kay

To make the bead creations:
  • build your design on the plastic templates. 
  • Put your iron on a med/hot setting without steam. 
  • Cover the beads with baking paper and iron them
  • Slowly peel the paper back to ensure that the beads are melting together
  • Remove the beads from the template and iron the other side (using the baking paper again)

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