Monday, 26 November 2012

Unforgettable Dolls' House Furniture (part 1)

When I was a little girl... many, many years ago. My Daddy made me some dolls' house furniture.

I didn't have a dolls' house,
or any suitably sized dolls.

But he never got round to finishing them anyway, so not to worry.

Sadly he died when I was just 4

I kept that furniture he made for me.

As a teenager and young adult I used it as an ornament-come-jewelery-box. 

I went through a phase of painting EVERYTHING... I painted (and decoupaged) furniture, biscuit tins, old christmas ornaments, anything else I could get my mits on.
My Mother had to ban me from the paint cupboard.
not that it stopped me, I had my own secret stash of paint in my bedroom... shhhhh!

But that dolls' house furniture made for me by my Daddy was too precious.
I left it just as he had.

look, it still has the pencil lines for where to cut the headboard

I packed it away, along with so many other things that we keep from our youth because it would be just too painful to thrown them out. And so it sat in a box for more than 10 years.

Well it just so happens, a little while ago,

I had a little girl of my very own

and what do you know, she has a dolls' house.

I have decided to finish what my Daddy started all those years ago.

* * *

Keep your eyes peeled for 'Part 2' where I start the undercoating and sanding.

* * *

I have a lump in my throat so I'll go and fetch a cup of tea and I'll leave you with this:

I'm not wearing such a pretty dress, and my dad wasn't quite that good a singer...

You get the sentiment though 


Psst.... for today only get 25% off in The Tea Cosy Shop on Etsy
use the code cyber 2012 at checkout.

x x x

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