Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Staircase Challenge: Week 1

We're one week into our staircase challenge (well only half a week really, but I'm keeping up with others on the challenge to update on a Tuesday)

We've not got far, I'm not going to lie...

The staircase is sectioned off with our makeshift plastic sheeting - our downstairs is all open-plan so this is our attempt at keeping dust in the kitchen, on school-books, in the cats bed, etc to a minimum.

No amount of sheeting stops plaster dust, heck, doors don't even stop plaster dust but it keeps it at bay a little and we try to run the hoover around every now and then.

You may notice (if you like playing spot the difference) that there is a little edging strip on the under-sidey bit - It is covering the raw edge of the plasterboard where it meets the stair stringer - 8 on our little diagram.

The beading/edging strip/whatsitmcalled is an L shaped length of pine, nailed in place with little headless nails, I decided it was just a tad too heavy for glue... and besides you don't get to use a hammer with glue.

So that's one job ticked off.

Here is what still needs done:
  1. Sand back the plaster for the entire stairwell - We're getting there, John has been up a ladder for the past 3 evenings, but we've quite a bit left to go.
  2. Prime and paint the stairwell walls
  3. Fit plastic packers 
  4. Caulk all the gaps
  5. Sand back the filler 
  6. Prime the last 3 stairs
  7. Fit beading between stringer and the plasterboard
  8. Fit beading on corner under-sidey bitNailed it! (sorry)
  9. Paint the entire staircase (twice)
  10. Floor varnish over the painted stairs
  11. Stick on tread gripy strips
Still loads on the todo list there - eeks!

I did spend most of the weekend fixing the holes in the ceiling and I've been doing a bit of skirting boards on the side (baseboards) which I may entertain you with another day.

Once John has finished sanding the plaster I will be all over those stairs.

Here are the other blogs who are taking part in the Stair-off.

There have been injuries already! Christine had a head start, so the safe money is probably on Little House On The Corner (which would actually make a pretty good horse name) As far as I can tell with the others it is still too close to call.


  1. Plaster dust! Gets into everything and years later you'll still be finding it in little creases and crevices about the place, even though you were certain you'd cleaned there...Oh, how I despite plaster dust. :/

    1. Gah! I know, it is such horrid stuff. Really horrid having to live in the house while we do it too... cleaning up the kitchen every morning and evening is no fun at all.


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