Monday, 14 January 2013

No more holes in the ceiling!


No more holes in the living-room ceiling!!!

It is always frustrating when a niggly little job spoils a whole room.

The holes started like this:

We had to leave the spaces open until the radiators were fitted, but they were done just before Christmas and we left everything open for long enough to ensure no leaks.

We had kept the sections of plasterboard that we had cut out (4 in total) and it was quite simple to screw them back up in place again.

Then it was taping and plastering.

The holes bisected the room but now they're done the room definitely feels like a single, larger space.

In the mean time John was locked away in his bubble (seen here on the left) doing some serious sanding work - after my last attempt it was decided that I am crap at sanding plaster. We all have our strengths. Plastering I can do, I love painting and even a bit of occasional woodwork is fine but sanding plaster is not my forté.

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