Monday 2 September 2013

Ask Your Singer Machine Questions...

Every fortnight or so I get an email or comment asking me about a newly acquired treadle singer sewing machine - sometimes it is to help identify a newly acquired machine or a specific problem with bobbin winding, or locked drawers.

I'm going to start a series of posts responding to these questions.

So, if you have any questions you can email me or you can ask me in the comments below. I shall attempt to answer as many as I can, in as much detail as possible.

PS. If you have no interest in the world of pre-war sewing machines, and have just dropped by to see how our plastering and painting is going then tune in again soon, we will be getting back round to those things but our impending family addition has somewhat put a damper on many of the big jobs.


  1. Hi! I just got my machine, it's from 1911. I'm just worried about actually using something this old! Will using the machine will cause damage to it? Also, what can I use to safely clean the metal parts?

    1. Jessica,

      These machines were really built to last, they were also built to be used, please do use your girl, you won't damage her and it will give her new life.

      I have just published a new post on how to clean your machine, check it out (you will find it under the 'Vintage Singer Sewing' tab, scroll down to the FAQs and click through to the post.

      I hope that helps


    2. I just found this blog and I'm having fun reading through it. Damaging an old Singer sewing machine (or any antique machine for that matter) is nigh impossible. They were built to last for SEVERAL lifetimes. My oldest machine is a hand-run 1936 Singer V.S. model. I've broken so many needles on this, it probably hates me now. But it still works excellently.

  2. We have an antique Singer in a portable curved wood cabinet. Sad to say we can figure the release mechanism to take the cover off. There appears to be a latch on the lower right of the base but pushing, pulling, and/or turning doesn't release. Any suggestions? Thanks, Kevin

    1. most of these covers require a little key to unhook the catch on them, can you see a little hole in the case where a key might fit? that might be the issue.

  3. hi have a Vintage sewing machine Singer but have not been able to find the model number, but have a serial number can anyone help? serial #W66533.

    1. Hi Manuel,

      I can see that your machine was made in Bridgeport, Connecticut sometime between 1911 and 1919, I can't find any further information. This could be due to lost records, or I wonder if records weren't kept during the first world war (doesn't make much sense, but the dates are right)

      I can't help with the model number but there is a link on my 'how to identify...' Post which leads to a website with pictorial clues to which machine you have (scroll down to the bottom of that post to 'what to do if you don't have a serial number ' section)

      Sorry I can't help more.

  4. I have a treadle with the number AD569590 I can't find any record of it.The Singer site jumps from AD55's to AD57's. If anyone has any knowledge as to why I would appreciate it.

    1. Hi Randy,

      Your machine is one of 15000 (which explains the big jump in numbers) the order for the 15000 was processed on November 28, 1933. So she was probably made in late 1933 or perhaps early 1934, 80years old

    2. Sorry, I published that comment before I finished...

      She is a 15k, and was manufactured in Elizabeth, NJ

      I hope that was what you were looking for.


  5. I'm looking at a tan featherweight 221K. Are these rare. I've seen 221J. Thanks , Pam

  6. Hi, I am looking at a Tan Featherweight 221K. Is this a rare one? I've seen the 221J. Thanks, pam

    1. Is this an electric model? sorry, can't help you with electric models.

  7. mine singer machine serial number is AE931784. i want to sell it. do you have any idea how much i can ask for it?

    1. I've recently published a post about how much a vintage singer sewing machine is worth - check it out under the singer sewing machine tab at the top of the page.


  8. Hello :) So glad i found your blog. Thanks to you i found out the model and year and place my machine was made. Its a 1904 28K made in new jersey USA. I would love to be able to use it.
    Kate x

  9. Hi there,
    I have a Singer - serial number F8712566 and I believe it is from Clydsbank in 1918. I have been trying to find a handbook but can't. I want to be able to use it but I think it needs a bit of tlc and maybe a shuttle holder - the shuttle doesn't seem to fit. Any ideas where I might look next. Thanks Gloria

    1. Hi Gloria,

      Here is a link to the manual pdf for the 128k (I think that is what you have) You will have to cut and paste the link.

      There are loads of parts available on ebay, once you have checked the manual and you know what you are looking for I suggest you start there. just make sure anything you buy is specifically for the 128k.

      Hope that helps

  10. Hi Ann

    My sewing machine serial number is Y1048991 and is a Lotus design.

    When I bought it from ebay the seller advertised it as of industrial quality. Is this correct and do you have a link to the manual please?



  11. Hi Ann

    I have a singer treadle serial number Y1048991, Lotus design.

    When I bought the machine on ebay the seller advertised it as being of industrial quality.

    Is is this correct and do you have a link to the manual please?




I love getting your comments, they really make my day! I try to respond when I can.

I moderate all comments to cut out the stinky spam. So please be patient if it hasn't popped up immediately.

If you ask a question remember to check back for an answer later.

Thank-you, you wonderful peeps!

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