Friday, 6 June 2014

300th Post - Look Where We Started!

This is my 300th post on Our Handmade Home!!

Oh, how far we've come since I first set up the blog when our house was a building site with no luxuries, like - lights, running water, ceilings, or a back door.

I had just been painting the new back door , it was the first positive action I had taken to make the house into a home. Things were beginning to look up (for the first time in a long while) and I decided to share all the things we were going to do in our new/old house.

We had started building a large extension 14 months earlier (in December 2009) and the build had gone from bad to worse, to even worse, to catastrophic.

Our house was uninhabitable and we were living with my super-duper-wonderful sister and brother-in-law, 50 miles away.

During our stay: Water came in through their window surrounds, we got snowed in, water came in through their ceiling and my brother-in-law was in a serious accident and ended up in intensive care... I had begun to think I had taken my curse with me.
(In reality; we had the worst winter on record, and all these things were directly related to the snow and ice)

We didn't know when we would be able to go home again, we didn't know where we were going to get the money to make our house a home. Over the coming months we would learn to tape plasterboard, fit stone shower trays, pour concrete, plaster with lime, tile with slate, sand floors - and live on a very tight budget.

We had so many plans for our home, but none of us ever dreamed that a couple of years later we'd be welcoming a new arrival to our family.

I couldn't have dreamed where our journey would lead us, we've still got a ways to go before our house is the home we always wanted... I wonder what the next 300 posts will be about.

Thanks for joining us on our journey.

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