Tuesday, 3 June 2014

On Going Projects - Summer 2014

Every now and then I post about a project that we have started. If you have been a follower for a while you will notice far fewer posts of finished projects.

We don't tend to get much finished. Partly due to attention dwindling disorder, but often because of our constantly fluid list of priorities. Sarah over at Ugly Duckling House talks about DIY A.D.D, so I know we are not alone.

Now I have 2 kids, home education and a mild case of ouch, that refuses to go away, our DIY chores have so much more to contend with than they did a couple of years ago.

Here's some things we are currently dipping in and out of:

There's probably a tonne more projects that I have forgotten about, some I have never blogged about, some of them made it on to our goals for 2013 list, then I spent most of 2013 pregnant and unable to walk.

This is not a 'To Do' list, rather an ever evolving list of exciting projects.

Looking at them just now I feel motivated, and I really want to go and finish them all off right this instant!! - but along with all my other daily responsibilities, I also need to eat and sleep - PAH!!

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