Saturday, 21 June 2014

Green Earth Pan: review

The people at Ozeri sent me this frying pan to review and keep - Thanks guys!
All my reviews are honest and in my own words

Green earth pan : Our Handmade Home

It is a great little frying pan, a good solid weight, and is a very pretty green colour.

The pan is available on Amazon, currently priced at £23.99 (affiliate link)

I've been using the pan a lot over the past couple of weeks, and I haven't found any down sides to it.

Green earth pan : Our Handmade Home

It is a non-stick pan with a ceramic coating rather than the traditional non-stick surface, you need to wipe it with a touch of oil on a paper towel before each use - I have no problem with this and have not had any real problems with things sticking.

Green earth pan : Our Handmade Home

The instructions recommend hand washing, but "A dishwasher can be used" I'm a busy mum and we live in a soft water area, so it get's popped in the dishwasher. Brilliant!

The Green Earth Pan by Ozeri comes in 3 sizes - 20cm, 26cm and 30cm - as well as a wok. The Frying Pan Ozeri sent me was the 20cm one (8") - it's a great size for pancakes and omelettes but it is also pretty deep so it's good for scrambled eggs and small quantities of pasta sauce too (holds enough for the three of us)

Green earth pan : Our Handmade Home

It has a hexagonal pattern on the cooking surface which apparently aides heat distribution... but it does make a weird pattern on your pancakes, Small likes this, so I'm not saying it's a bad thing.

Best bits

  • Compatible with an induction hob
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Deep sides
  • Oven safe (to 180C)

Not so best bits

  • Leaving a hexagon pattern on your fried eggs, omelettes and pancakes, it's a bit weird but no big deal.

Would I recommend the Green Earth Pan to a friend?

Yes, I really like it, it's a very nifty wee pan.

Green earth pan : Our Handmade Home

The frying pan was sent to me for review purposes.
This post contains affiliate links to Amazon - if you buy something after following the link I get a teeny bit of commision, the price you pay is always the same, but you would be helping to support this blog and our family - Thanks

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