Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Retail Therapy

I've had a tiny bit of a shopping spree...

It started in IKEA, I popped Small in the Crèche, took a couple of cocodomol, and pushed a trolley round on my own, well, Teeny was sleeping in the trolley, but it still counts.

Most of it is practical stuff, but I am really rubbish at shopping and going on a wee trip round a shop on my own is a very rare occurrence.

I've been a bit down see...

Pelvic Dysfunction 
To-Do list
(i.e. Stuff that actually needs done)
Want To-Do list
(much bigger than the actual to-do list... much, much, much bigger, and more fun)
Home Education
there goes most of the 'want to-do' list
(who rarely sleeps through the night)
and there goes most of the 'need to-do' list

I'm not quite having a melt down, but I soooo love to roll my sleeves up and get my hands dirty ... and frequently also my arms, knees and face too.

Those days will return, but I miss washing plaster dust out of my hair at 2am.

oh yeah...


I went online...


I bought myself a new laptop!

That same seal-pup-turquoise chromebook HP let me review a few weeks back.


I don't do splurge, I don't often do shopping - This is genuinely about as crazy as I get.

I'm excited about all my new pretty things.

I'm going to go and play now.

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