Monday, 15 December 2014

Painting More Shelves

I've been painting some more old furniture, as part of clearing out our not-so-spare-room, which embarrassingly we started back in April.

We have 2 large 'IVAR' bookcases that I bought 1 million years ago for my office in the city (I ran my own business for a while, It was very exciting, I was very young, It didn't last) The shelves have been moved around every home we have had over the past 12 years and they have been very useful, but they have languished in the 'spare room' since we moved back home.

In an attempt to empty the spare room and give ourselves better storage downstairs I decided to put the shelves into our kitchen, by the original stone wall.

I was moving quickly, because it was nap-time and I nearly forgot to take photos.

The shelves were really manky - having been used as tool/assorted crap storage for the last few years. I've tried to clean them up a few times before but I figured a coat of paint would be the quickest and kindest upgrade.

After I had finished the first coat, oh hang on, there is an un-painted shelf there... Oh well... this is a work in progress shot anyways.

I had turned some other Ivar shelves into a mini-kitchen for Small a while back, she still plays with it regularly so I incorporated it into the new shelving.

The upright on the right is too tall, but, for the moment, there is nowhere else in the house for it to go and it serves as a hanging space for bows and arrows.

A couple of days later and with all our cookery books, here it is in all its glory (and with the light levels a bit off)

Oh, yeah, also, I got some new fairy lights :)

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