Tuesday, 23 October 2007

A Day of Cooking and Crocheting - Archives 2007

Now that we are waiting for the big boss man from the damp treatment company to come round to check out the inadequacies of their work - which no doubt he will say is standard practice throughout the industry and refuse to do anything to remedy it....grumble, grumble, grumble...

So,*deep breath*, ahh, I decided to get on with other, more relaxing persuits

This morning I was working on my latest woollen project. A giant bedspread/ blanket for our bed, just to keep the chill at bay, something you don't really think about in a centrally heated flat. I am making it out of wool bought from New Lanark, where they spin it on the 100 year old machines, its a working museum and it is great to be able to buy local wool, it is also dyed on site and the colours are loverly...

After lunch I decided to get my act together and cook some stuff for the freezer. So I have rustled up some minestrone, lasagna and focaccia - which won't last past this evening. I really should get the freezer filled with food for the long evenings when we are working, as we still cook all our own meals and it can be a bit exhausting to start thinking of chopping onions when you have just been plastering or crawling through the eaves, etc. Next on the list will be chili, chickpea and potato curry, lentil soup and Irish stew

Meanwhile J has been picking up some wood from the back of his work and bringing home a load every night, it needs storing for a bit before it is dry (seasoned) enough but it is good stuff - think it brings out the caveman in him too, he is definitely enjoying the splitting and stacking and it's keeping us warmer so everyone's a winner.

All in all, a very home-making kind of day.

Thanks for reading ;O)

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