This morning I walked down to our Mums and toddlers group again, the walk didn't seem as long as last time, despite the new chilblains, perhaps I am getting used to it. We stopped to talk to a newborn foal, who came right over to the fence, swiftly followed by mummy horse with a 'where do you think you're going' look about her, so we hurried off before mum got defensive. It was such a clear and sunny day, I could see for miles - unfortunately I forgot to take the camera again *doh*
Yesterday J managed to rob some pallets off of an unsuspecting building site - well he asked their permission and they were only too happy to see the back of them. Pallets make for great firewood... only trouble is, you have to break them up, and they are designed to not break up very easily. Still, with a bow-saw and a crow-bar and alot of twisting and jumping on bits, we now have a small pile of firewood, which will see us through the next day or so.
After breaking up the pallets I managed to get some time in the garden, there is alot needing done. Infact there is far too much needing done. I managed to work my way through half a pile of hedge clippings (that is 4 foot long hedge clippings) and cut them down for kindling, there was too much hawthorn for my liking *ouch* Then I carted relevant things up and down the garden, the compost needed stirring, the leaves needed raked up. Lots of pottering about, I am now quite tired, and it's not even tea-time....
Still, at least I have got a days work done, a most satisfactory feeling.
Thanks for reading ;0)
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
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