Friday, 14 August 2009


It's a rainy old day here at Snowdrop cottage, I am sitting cozied up inside, trying to resist the temptation of lighting the fire in August, so to cheer me up I thought I would have a look around some little shops...I found some lovely little beauties out there inspired by this wonderful Brittish weather - so I though I would share some of them with you.

Umbrella, Felt Brooch - by Lupin Handmade
Umbrella, Felt Brooch - by Lupin Handmade @folksy
A lovely brooch to add to your coat on those rainy days from Lupin at folksy. What about this lovely bag, made by raspberry at Etsy, I bet it would strike up a conversation at the supermarket till... though I think I would be obliged to shop more at the posh delicatessens, if I had such a beautiful tote.

Rainy Cloud Blue Linen Tote Bag - by RaspberryFairy @EtsyRainy Cloud Blue Linen Tote Bag - by RaspberryFairy @Etsy
I adore the simplicity of this card, I would love to see it sitting on my mantlepiece.

Rain drops rain clouds any occasion card - by Parsy @EtsyRain drops rain clouds any occasion card - by Parsy @Etsy
Enjoy looking around these sellers other fantastic goodies.

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