Friday, 5 March 2010

Preparing to Design My New Home - Archives 2010

Here at Snowdrop Cottage we have been going through a MAJOR building project.

The inside of our house is being entirely remodeled, creating a large open-plan living space downstairs and a new bedroom, bathroom and en-suite upstairs.

We have a few weeks to go before we can say 'cheerio' to our wonderful team of builders but we have begun the long and exciting journey of decorating and styling our (practically) new home.

It started with books,

Stack of Interior Design Books

then some magazines..... lots of magazines.... this isn't even half of them.

Coffee table overflowing with interior design books and magazines

Then I set about with scissors and glue, and created a few collages in a big A3 sketch book.

Inspiration Collage for Livingroom

I have already found this to be an invaluable tool as it focuses me on what I actually want to live with.

Inspiration Collage for Kitchen
Lots of white, lots of wood, lots of natural light and a few strong colour highlights.

Inspiration Collage for Entrance Hall

I have spent most of my life living in tenement houses in Glasgow. In fact, we have already spent several years refurbishing a tenement flat - you can see photos from our first renovation project on my flickr pages

I think it is clear that my idea of 'homely' is heavily influenced by Victorian and Edwardian styles. However as we are now in a 1830s country cottage, I can see this is going to be a challenge.

* * * * *

My aim is to buy handmade, buy second-hand or to make as much as possible for our new home. I hope to continue blogging about it here :)

I would love to hear your suggestions or thoughts on these early stages of the design process. How did you do it, how would you do it?

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Snow x

1 comment :

  1. Oooh I love your inspiration books, they must be so much fun to make!


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