Wednesday 14 April 2010

Old Boghead - Archives 2010


I don't know when this photo was taken... could have been turn of the century, but it could have been the 30's.

Anyway our house can be seen as 2 seperate houses, but it really is amazing how little this section of the village has changed in the last hundred years or so.

thanks for reading ;0)

P.S - I am pretty sure the photo is out of copyright - if anyone knows differently I will happily remove it or accredit it correctly.


  1. How interesting. Which one is your house?

  2. Ours is the second last in the row on the right. You can see the 2 existing dormer windows on the front but there are also 2 doors on the cottage, as it was once 2, single room cottages.

    The whole village looks surprisingly similar today, I guess it does still have it's 'old world charm' as it says on the photo :)



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