Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The Staircase Challenge: Week 6

Well now I am just about loosing my patience / motivation with these stairs.

I am getting side-tracked at almost any opportunity, not that I got donkeys at the weekend or anything crazy like that... but I did spend a lot of time in the garden, in the sunshine, turning compost, planning the next big digging project and generally strolling around looking at things.

Meanwhile, John is sanding every square inch of the stairs... these will be the smoothest stairs known to man FACT!

We have now sanded off a good proportion of the undercoat, which will all need done again - I really didn't think they needed so much sanding, but who am I to stand in the way of ultimate smoothness?

If I don't get to start painting these stairs sometime soon, I may start gnawing on things.

Some of the competitors are nearing the finishing straight, a few of us feel we are still on the starters blocks. Please pop over and support the other duellers

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