Thursday, 21 March 2013

My Mother's Day Gift

Do you remember a while back I was doodling bookcases? Well, I have been thinking about the bookcases on-and-off ever since.

We struggle pretty seriously with the storage issues in the livingroom - not helped by the fact we are still plastering and painting in there,  moving everything around every few weeks to clear another space.

It is getting pretty desperate in a day-to-day normal living way. Home education materials are mixed in with our office supplies and account books. Board games are balanced on top of the LPs. Books and CDs are stacked in storage boxes all around the house.

So we made a few decisions and for Mother's day I asked if I could have the first instalment of our media wall as my gift.
Source: viaAnn on Pinterest

We had a few things on the wish list for the media wall.

• Drawers for our DVD collection. We are all big movie fans and DVDs don't look particularly attractive on show, we prefer to have them hidden but with easy accessibility.

• Shelves for books, though not all our books will live in this unit, we still need space for some of them just now.

• Deep enough for the records. My vinyl collection is small but much loved and regularly listened to.

Something like this but more family oriented.

• Modular that can be bought in installments and added to over the years as our needs change.
Our perfect solution would have been to build our own unit, but I am pragmatic and we simply do not have the time to build one (we still have essential work to do on other rooms and there is a little matter of... achem... the staircase)

Something like this but a bit less pretty.

But frankly... right now... we just needed better storage space for all the things we needed access to on a day-to day basis.

Something like this but less messy looking
Source: viaAnn on Pinterest

We finally settled on the IKEA BESTA system. We are going to start with 1 basic unit, add another to it later and then add extras as we go along.

So off to IKEA for my Mother's day gift...

...and some Mums settle for chocolates and flowers... PAH!!

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