Saturday, 6 February 2016

Deliciously Simple French Crêpe Recipe

When I was 15 I had an exchange trip to France, my counter-part was from Brittany. Marie-Eve visited us for a week, and I remember very little of her visit, other than crepes and roller-blading. When she went home she left us with this recipe for her mother's Breton Crepes.

French recipe for crêpes, simple and easy to follow instructions in english - tastes delicious!!

My mother however, is no cook, and after a failed attempt to fry lumpy milk, the recipe became lost. 17 years later I found it in an old book and whipped up a batch.... They are stunning, wafer thin homemade crêpes!
The word doesn't look right without the circumflex, but apparently it is no longer correct?? 

So here is the recipe, handwritten and ripped from a notebook, in french - I suspect ALL the best recipes are written on torn out notebook pages in french

  • 3 eggs
  • 400ml milk
  • 125g Plain flour (sieved)

Crepe recipe in french - our handmade home
the original hand-written recipe

The directions - not given on my original recipe, but I followed my instincts and got perfect results.

  • Beat the eggs thoroughly
  • Add the milk and the flour
  • Whisk and whisk and whisk, until it is a bubbly smooth mixture.

crepe batter

Cook as you would pancakes
Use a ladle to put the mixture on the pan and swirl it to give even coverage
Don't use too much batter, remember they are supposed to be paper thin
The crepes are ready when the sides curl up.

crepe pancake in frying pan

For the best results use a  smooth, non-stick pan rubbed with a little oil or butter to prevent sticking.

French crepe recipe - our handmade home

Once you have made a small stack of crêpe  they are ready to eat.

The best way to eat your crêpe is probably with nutella (lidl's own-brand is just as good) or with sugar and lemon-juice, maple syrup is delicious too.
Crêpes work just as well with savoury fillings I like to fry some herby mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. Grated cheese is a wonderfully simple filling though.

crepe with mushroom filling

I don't imagine Marie-Eve's family was too impressed by the porridge I made for them
- with water and salt -
I am a proud Scot, but even I couldn't stomach it.
Sorry, Marie-Eve, sorry.

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