Thursday 13 December 2018

The First D.I.Y of Christmas - A Wreath For The Front Door

I've made our own wreath for the front door every Yuletide since forever - Before we had a garden I would beg for polybags of hedge clippings from friends and relations, over the years I've adapted my method and love the resulting natural wreath.

Christmas Rustic Wreath - Our Handmade Home

You will need:
  • Rigger Gloves (I eventually found some decent ladies size at a good price - huzzah)
  • An old metal coat hanger, or about 80cm of strong pliable wire
  • Secateurs
  • Green stuff from a garden

How to make a Christmas wreath - Our Handmade Home

STEP 1 - Raid your garden (or ask permission to raid another) for anything that is still green - Ivy and Holly are the best - aim for nice long lengths of 50cm + if possible. This year I found some nice Privet with interesting flowers on, Privet can be nicely bendy too, as is Laurel.
Herbs, such as Rosemary and Lavender, seem like a great idea, but I have found them to wilt quickly once picked.

STEP 2 - Bend an old wire coat hanger into a rough circle - a plastic waste paper bin helps get the shape right if you are finding it tricky.

Basic DIY Wreath Instructions - Our Handmade Home

STEP 3 - Begin weaving round and round with your lengths of greenery. This might take some trial and error, I just keep twisting the twigs round and round the wire until I'm happy with the balance and shape.

Make a Xmas Wreath - Our Handmade Home

STEP 4 - Trim the bits you don't want, add more of what you do. Once the wreath has some structure to it you can poke in extra little bits to fill the bald patches.

STEP 5 - Hang on a door. I've looped string round and over the top of the door, securing it with a drawing pin on the inside.

Natural Christmas Door Wreath - Our Handmade Home

You will see that my style of wreath is very rustic and a bit wild looking - feel free to let your artistic flair be reflected in yours by adding ribbons, lights, sparkly things, teddy bears with wires up their butts.

Total Time = 30 mins
Total Cost = £0
Total Christmassy Rating = 7/10

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